
Firewatch is definitely a perfect choice. From that gorgeous colour palette to the themes of temporarily making an escape from your problems, it really fits the season well.

Facebook does list "The AV Club" as interest under "Business and Industry," so it's doing something right. Of course, it also lists "Mattress" on the same page, so there's that as well.

I think they all stick to the Canadian broadcasts, so you probably wouldn't hear them outside of highlight videos.

That's fair, I can certainly understand where you're coming from, in that case.

IIRC, that was Ed Robertson responding to a Hate Song on "One Week," which was even better.

I don't think there was much on this tour at all. I don't recall seeing any when I saw them at the ACC on Sunday. Gord also didn't play guitar at all, either, which he usually breaks out on occasion.

Interesting bit about the Leafs story: the team is currently replacing the banners of its honoured and retired numbers (Barilko is one of two players to have his number retired) for their centennial. They're taking down the current banners and sending them to the players' hometowns, but upon taking down Barilko's

Poor Blue Rodeo. That must have been one of the worst-attended shows they've ever played.

I like We Are The Same. It's not my favourite of their post-2000 albums (that falls to World Container, I think), but I still think they did some interesting stuff on that album.

To be fair, I don't think the Hip and Gord Downie were trying to force patriotism on anyone. I think they just wrote about Canada because that's where they're from, very much like how Bruce Springsteen writes about New Jersey and America.

Apparently the thing I dislike about modern pop is the backing track. Who knew?

As a Canadian, it's interesting contrasting your post to Quebec. The Quebecois, much like the French, have a very strong, protectionist attachment to their language and their "Frenchness," resulting in things like the infamous Bill 101. And when you're an obvious anglophone from Ontario like I am, you can definitely

It's not completely unheard of in Canada, actually, though it isn't terribly popular.

Have you seen this video? That's basically its premise, that one of BvS's biggest flaws was prioritizing moments over scenes.

This is one of those things that genuinely baffles me. It's such a perfect combo and I don't understand why non-North Americans have trouble grasping this fact.

"Excuse me, are these synths pesticide free?"

It was also a nice touch that it looks like they actually opened it with VLC. I may or may not have seen the same file name font pop up a few minutes before, so it was fresh.

Yeah, I noticed all the stuff in the background on the subway too. Really helped lend the episode a surreal tone from the get-go.

I can definitely see where you might get the Vertigo feeling from the opening scene. The colours and lighting definitely make me think of the green shades from the last third of the movie.