
They haven't even started shooting yet, though, and SFX is one of the last things that gets done. It was probably all they could do to get what we saw out there.

The SFX is most likely basically just test footage. They probably don't have much else done in terms of the CGI yet.

That's what the White Stars were in theory, but I don't think we ever really saw much beyond the main B5 crew commanding one.

He's okay, but I always preferred Captain Big McLargeHuge.

Hey, let's be fair now. Archer was clearly learning as he went along. In fact, it reminds me of a time when I was in Africa, and saw a newborn gazelle struggling to walk…

Beats the crew of the USS Yorktown, who were apparently booted off their ship entirely so that Kirk and Co. could get a shiny new one.

I'm pretty sure it already has been renewed, actually.

Thanks, I'll have to check them out. I love that kind of sound.

Really? You think King would have that happen only a quarter of the way into the story?

At this point, isn't Greg Grunberg's entire career basically a series of cameos in J.J. Abrams productions?

I'd vote no on the blank page idea, myself. I like having a review providing a jumping board for the comments.

I actually had another sip of the beer I was drinking during that scene. I find when I know it's fictional, I very rarely have a visceral reaction. It's different if it's a video of something real, though.

Technically speaking, we're actually still in that ice age, meaning that it can't end without the movies becoming pure science fiction.

Is there such thing as Land Before Time Syndrome? Because I think Ice Age might have it.

The only time I ever ran in Arkham Asylum (at least on my first playthrough) was when someone was in danger, like the guards being taken hostage. That's when Batman hurries. Otherwise, he's an inexorable force of justice, striding slowly forwards.

Don't mind me, I'm just going to be hanging out here humming Julee Cruise songs.

Fine, but again, the score for this episode is a B. The author did not say it's terrible, just that it's a bit of a step back from the first chapter, which again, I can agree with. Your comment made it sound like they completely panned the episode.

Yeah, I binged the first five episodes Friday evening, and then deliberately waited until after nightfall to finish on Saturday.

Speaking as a former nerdy 12 year old boy, the amount of swearing seemed pretty on the nose to me. Some kids will swear a lot because they want to seem cool and adult, and others will barely do it at all. I grew up in the 90s, not the 80s, but I doubt that really changed all that much.