
Do you have a medical condition that causes you to see a "B" as an "F?" I loved Stranger Things, but I can't disagree with any of the criticisms in this review.

His character is basically a copy-paste of the dumb TV Dad trope, but I don't care. He's hilarious in the cumulative three minutes of screentime he gets through the show.

FWIW, I think Flashpoint is worth checking out. It's never something I watched religiously, but it is quite well done by the standards of network TV cop shows.

Eric and Tami Taylor with Julie on Friday Night Lights is up there for me, as well.

Whoa! He really went straight for the jocular, there.

But how else is my vaguely defined Native American first officer supposed to tell me that making a deal with the Borg might be a bad idea?

It would explain the very aggressive tone the game had, for pick-up basketball. Also the fact that all these guys apparently have time to play basketball literally every afternoon.

I just went back and looked, I think it was a combination of her boot and her purse that just looked kind of like an artificial leg. It confused me, too.

He didn't direct except for the finale, but J. Michael Straczynski did write and produce almost every single episode of Bablyon 5 from 2x18 until the end of the show three seasons later. Neil Gaiman wrote a one episode in the fifth season, but otherwise it was all JMS.

I poked around in the HTML a bit, but I couldn't see anything unusual, it's pretty standard basic HTML. There are a couple of external scripts running, but they seem to be standard analytics plugins from Adobe.

Huh, I didn't even notice that they'd dropped the censoring. No complaints, though, that always pulled me straight out of S1 episodes when it popped up.

In fact, Joanna isn't my real name. My name is

I'd be willing to bet that it's a bit of both.

It was hinted at before, actually, in the season two finale. While they're waiting for their contact to get out of the factory where the stealth paint is made, Phillip begins telling Elizabeth the story, but gets interrupted by Golden Earring before he can finish.

It's a shoe-in for the Top 50 Predictable A.V. Club Comments article.

Rocket League is worth a try if you feel like dabbling in multiplayer. It's ridiculous and quite fun.

I always used to compromise and keep my budget balanced, but then cheat so I had money to build large infrastructure projects like metro lines and highways. Real cities get funding from higher levels of government, so why not mine?

I've lost track of how many times I've seen Galaxy Quest, but Shalhoub's deliveries still manage to make me laugh. His exchange with Alan Rickman on the planet always gets me.

Yeah, they were able to point to something in the recordings of Jay's interview that suggests he was being coached by the detectives. They also found some documents that indicate Jay might have been given the cash reward for the Crimestoppers call, which might have been why he went along with it. Or there's simply the