
I think there's some good stuff in there once you get past the Telepath arc. The problem is that that arc takes up a good two-thirds of the season.

I don't know if you've listened to Undisclosed or not, but they present some fairly compelling evidence that the Baltimore PD settled on Adnan as the prime suspect pretty much right out of the gate, and then were able to convince Jay to come up with a story supporting the idea that Adnan did it. I'll grant they have a

"You know what's remarkable? That England looks in no way like Southern California."

The thing about This is That is the fact that they manage to perfectly capture the tone of CBC Radio News. Sometimes I'll catch it mid-broadcast and it'll legitimately take me a minute or two to figure out that it isn't real.

He's half of why I recently decided to get into the show, hence why I'm commenting, seven months later. I'm a big fan of Fountains of Wayne, and I also like the music he's done on the side for TV and movies (shout out to That Thing You Do!).

Vertigo does have a terrific Bernard Herrmann score. The main theme in particular is one of my favourites of his.

Depends what city you're in, I guess. They have a pretty strong following in Ottawa and Toronto, I find.

Series finale prediction: The Soviets recruit Martha into a program for genetically enhanced supersoldiers, and during training her plane crashes over the Arctic, encasing her in ice for decades…

The Prophets work in mysterious ways.

You seem to have misspelled The Americans, there.

It was 80s porn. Everyone knows that it doesn't count.

Or MIRV, about one of my favourite weapons in Scorched Earth.

What about faded jeans and a tank top?

And then probably cut to a guy named Mohammed laughing manically with a rocket launcher on the roof of the White House or something.

*cue cheers from studio audience*

"It's Mail Robot! On the phone to its factory!"

I always loved the SQIII theme the best of the games. The music in that game was fantastic, overall.

Also noteworthy for getting punched up quite nicely when the Carrington Institute is attacked near the end of the game (which genuinely shocked me as a child):…

I forget, is Juman one of the X-Men or an Avenger?

And that, I think, gets to the heart of what jazz is about.