
Victor Garber? Do you really think Firestorm is going to fit in a Batman movie?

"The One Where Neil Landed On the Moon"

And the rocket's red glare / Buncha bombs in the air / Gave proof to the night / That we still had a flag

I thought Ben Affleck as Batman was amazing in The Third Man.

Does this mean we get an adaptation of The Long Halloween for season 3?

I don't know if anyone beats Amber Benson, who managed to be a "guest star" for 47 episodes of Buffy over two and a half seasons, and then got added to the main cast just in time for the episode in which her character dies.

I was actually a bit primed there, because I had just had one of my periodic "Why do the terrible regimes always have the best uniforms?" thoughts while the guards were escorting her.

The final line of The Americans will be Jonathan Frakes saying "Computer, end program."

I kind of scoffed and went "That seems a little on-the-nose" but I still didn't clue in until the very end.

I think a lot of it came from the fact that that inning was just insane, though. Bautista's come out and said he didn't really even register the bat flip, he just sort of did it.

That's cool with me, as a Jays fan. Thowing at Bautista = inevitable pissed off home run.

He did manage to put it on and get into that ambush position incredibly quickly, though. He's not The Flash…

Yeah, I played one of those once. Our party put too many points into hijinks and not enough into stealth, and we got TPK'd trying to sneak into the girls school across the road.

It's on the Wikipedia page for the song, from an interview with Peart when Grace Under Pressure came out. I'm not doubting that environmental destruction was one of the things he was thinking of when he wrote the song, for the record, just wanted to note that he definitively said that nuclear war is a theme of the

I think it's like a lot of Rush songs, in that it's probably about more than one thing. Peart definitely said that the fear of nuclear destruction was one of the themes:

I think there seems to be general agreement that the German version is a little bit better. I don't even speak German, and I definitely prefer how it sounds to the English version.

That explains why it took so long to get home on my ticket stub.

Hey, if it worked for Oliver Queen, it can work for Matt Murdock.

Bizzaro Flash isn't so good with that.

Nah, it's all good. She'll just get Henry Allen to mention that she's OK on his next postcard to Barry.