
Presumably there's an Internet forum somewhere where Central City's villain's hang out and trade notes on S.T.A.R. Labs.

He's definitely a much better fit as Ray Palmer. A very smart, well-meaning guy who can't help but be really weird and awkward most of the time.

Yeah, I was getting a bit tired of Maxwell "Call me Lex" Lord, too.

It's okay, I totally thought they were riffing on The View as well. I'd say that I need to watch more daytime television, but… no. Just no.

I like how in Mike Grell's run Oliver became very blase about keeping his secret identity secret. It made a lot of sense for the character at the time, and there's absolutely no disguising that ridiculous\incredible beard.

Sure, but Silver Age Batman was doubtless carrying around some sort of Bat-Calculator with the ability to massage numbers any way he wants.

"We can't form Firestorm while we're on the Waverider! We have no idea what that might do to the effects budget!"

Penn and Teller are also quite up front about not really being friends outside of work, though I get the impression that their working relationship is a fair bit smoother than Adam and Jamie's. That said, it's another good example of how TV makes us read between lines that aren't actually there, and assume a certain

You might be interested in this (so far small) YouTube channel, Mythbusters for the Impatient, which cuts each myth down to its essence and plays it as a single video:…

It wasn't too bad in their early seasons, but as the show went on it started to get to the point where it was like watching the Gift Shop sketch.

Come on, any crossover event will have to abide by a strict, DC mandate of 52 characters, no more, no less.

With Rex Hamilton as Abraham Lincoln!

Is it worth catching up? I got bored halfway through the first season.

Look, I have one job on this lousy ship. It's stupid, but I'm going to do it, okay?!

Maybe the whole DC universe contracts out security operations to Starfleet?

I don't think it has, but I could be wrong. You might be thinking of Kord Enterprises?

So you're all astronauts on some kind of… star trek?

Wally West will show up and crush them both.

You probably forgot to make sure that there was some sort of radioactive isotype lying around nearby. That's key in these sorts of scenarios.

Theoretically, Batman probably exists within the Arrowverse. Harley Quinn shows up (sort of) in season 2 of Arrow, and Oliver says that the codename Oracle is "taken" in the most recent episode. And Wayne Enterprises appears in a future news headline in The Flash.