
I dunno. I mean, The Flash can vibrate.

"The naches that I'm feeling right now… 'cause your dad was like mishpoche to me. When I heard I got these ticket to the Folksmen, I let out a geshreeyeh, and I'm running with my friend… running around like a vilde chaye, right into the theater, in the front row! So we've got the schpilkes, 'cause we're sittin' right

It's a shame that Killer Croc is appearing in Suicide Squad, or they'd have a hell of a trio.

I prefer "Jesus saves, Esposito scores on the rebound."

Yeah, that's fair. I do remember the blue screen effects in that one being pretty bad.

On the subject of car chases in Paris, I've always liked the one in The Bourne Identity. It manages to be pretty thrilling despite being relatively low speed.

Where's Shaggy in that image? Is he hiding somewhere behind Oliver Queen?

I'd add the ski chase in The Spy Who Loved Me's cold open. It's only a couple minutes long, but it's put together well, and ends with an incredibly iconic set piece. Plus, "But James, I need you," "So does England."

I'm hoping for a Sense8\Arrow crossover featuring the salmon ladder.

I just wanted to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.

I'm a man of the land I'm into discipline, got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin.

I've only put a couple of hours into it so far, but what I have seen so far is quite interesting. There seems to be a very complex interplay between the choices you make and the consequences they have from simple things like how going on a raid during planting season will reduce your harvest because the men are away,

Thanks to it being free today, I'm probably going to end up playing Race the Sun a bunch this weekend. I also picked up The King of Dragon Pass the other day, which is a fascinating old gem that I've been picking my way through.

I'm with you on Presto and Power Windows. They're both terrific albums that don't ever quite get their due amongst Rush fans. "The Pass," in particular, has always struck me as especially underrated track.

I've found it to be pretty addictive. Match-3 gameplay is always great when you need to kill 10 minutes, and the game has a nice sense of progression.

"Jim… my name is Jim."

I demand an Iron Chef Expert Witness. Preferably someone who challenged Morimoto.

Yeah, the very first lines are a rewritten joke from The Naked Gun. Great start…

All of the Cylons are actually clones based on the ancient, corrupted DNA of a bounty hunter…