
Midway through the first season? I'm pretty sure he vanishes after the miniseries, doesn't he?

Phew, that was close. Nearly thought the Bond films might be misogynistic in places there.

Lucy seemed like a character from Family Guy to me. Just a little conventional, relatively speaking, and out of place.

"The Rake's Song" is awesome. That's indisputable.

I thought The Hazards of Love was fun, but I think either Picaresque or The Crane Wife is my favourite of theirs. I like them best when they're only being moderately ridiculous.

It's number one in my heart.

We all do, my friend. We all do.

No, it was Sylvester McCoy playing a wizard.

"Oh, cut the bleeding heart crap will ya? We've all got our switches, lights, and knobs to deal with, Striker. I mean, down here there are literally hundreds and thousands of blinking, beeping, and flashing lights, blinking, beeping and flashing - they're flashing and they're beeping. I can't stand it anymore! They're

I also like Hot Shots! Part Deux more than the first one. The Martin Sheen cameo, in particular, is one scene that sticks with me.

Ever played The Resistance? You never feel so cunning as when you successfully lie to someone's face as in that game.

It's the very end for me, when someone yells "Look! It's disgruntled postal workers!" That and Nordberg spiking a baby in the background.

The whole opening sequence with the parody of the staircase scene in The Untouchables is great. Very slapstick, but it never fails to make me laugh.

What made Leslie Neilson so great is that he had decades of experience as a dramatic actor before his abrupt turn into comedy. His sincerity is part of what makes him funny (the same effect worked with Peter Graves, Robert Stack, and Lloyd Bridges in Airplane!). I think it goes without saying that Ed Helms lacks all

Police Squad!

Yeah, that is true. I mean, personally I hear tons of great things about Android: Netrunner (also designed by Richard Garfield, incidentally), and the design and theme sound great, but I'm very put off by a lot of the barriers that exist when it comes to CCGs. It's unfortunate, but I think some of the basics of how

Hm, I think it depends a bit on what aspect of gaming culture you're involved with, I think. I definitely agree when it comes to video games, but I think board games are really coming into their own these days, and are far more inclusive and welcoming than in the past. There are elements that aren't, of course (see

Part of the AV Club's new look is that narrative and characters are going out the window in favour of pure mechanics. All comments will shortly be replaced by colourful wooden cubes.

It's seriously amongst the most hyperactive editing I've ever seen. It makes the trailer for Doctor Strangelove feel like the opening scene of a Sergio Leone movie.

They were definitely influenced by the Housemartins. See the "quote" of "Happy Hour" during "Hello City."