
Awesome vans, I had one just like but it was light blue with awesome wood side decals... funny story I got in a small accident in it 15 years ago or so, and the insurance guy had to write it off because he couldnt’ find the wood decal part to replace it. lol

First - this new format sucks, going to comments link doesnt work, have to manually go to last page.

This is a classic! I dont understand the CP calls. NP all day!

Godly waste of money to a good impression... dumb

Like I always say, finance the car of your dreams - like a house. Otherwise lease the shit and just pretend your renting, same difference.

this a freebie on gamepass like mudrunner? lol crossout is super fun vehicle building destroying game too

shit lowering job, if it was stock id say great!

Never understood these and why people have them. Trailor is much more convenient, a ton more room, and you simply drop if off and carry on your way. Also leaving the truck bed open for dirtbikes, quads, coolers, etc...

Bentley for 25k! All day! until something breaks, then its junk, but hey it’ll be fun while it lasts

There is deal with literally thousands of them by fort irwin between Barstow & Las Vegas off the 15 highway... start at $1,500. This is crack all the way from barstow to las vegas...

Id like to buy real-size one. would be fun little thing. what happens to these when they done?

smart jerk actually. lol

was good until i saw broken speed gauge, how the fuck do you do that?

Do like the colored seatbelts, never thought of that... lol

How does this actually work, they just give you a fix price like $5k for anything that runs you trade in? How do we know they just dont add it to the deal? Seems sketchy...

I always thought these were some of the best looking mustangs, especially the cobra models... regardless of how they performed. lol

Kia is junk. Ask any mechanic that actually works on them with experience with other manufacturers. They go insanely cheap on so many engine and driveline components to save a buck. stay far away.

Dealers are a joke these days. Pre-2000 days 99% of customers didn’t have much knowledge of cars, and would visit the dealers to see, touch, and learn about the cars, collect brochures, etc... Sales people actually knew their shit, and could tell you all the features, functionalities, etc...

ton of these at any carmax... for a reason I suppose.

MY FAVORITE gen of camaros, but this one way overpriced, should be 3k.