
Big pet peeve is seeing wheels intended for a different car on the wrong car. Looks so dumb.

garbage car all around, only thing of value is the 5.0 mustang mags. lol

coworker has the x6. boring. ive borrowed it many times. once you get past the fun of launching the thing like a rocket, the handling sucks ass on regular streets/potholes/etc.. you get thrown around a lot. i found visibility sucking for a suv (or whatever they are called)... i dont understand why these vehicles

OMG I thought I was the only one that went insane with those stupid cantilever brakes. I had to replace inner tube on my somewhat newer bike, and had to adjust those stupid brakes a million times. I either got good stopping with TONS of squeal, or quite but slow stopping. HATED every minute (hour?) spent on it.

$10k all day long. I paid about 6k for same thing but a 540. M doesn’t almost triple value.

uhh, i have 3 cars and two bikes. I prefer to use harley to work. i ride the 405 highway in California. Where it takes 4 hrs to get from LA to LA. so its a godsend. lol

how can anyone say no to this, pickup + viper? come on!

Arent this rebranded mustangs/capri’s? I dont understand the appeal... lol

Expensive for a fiero kit car... i mean... i looks like it..

I notice this is common with the shaved head big beard look. lol

fuck yah new vehicle for $5,000. I’m in.

Def. time traveler, or found a time travelers journal. Designs on that thing weren’t even thought up as possible in those days... come on!!!! Flux capacitor go!

Can someone explain simple loans, I still dont quite understand it. daily interest rate fixed on original principle amount? or whatever the amount is? If I make extra payments they dont go on principle, unless I do it at the day its due? sooooooo confusing...

I had a 2000 something model (previous rendition) ESV long one. Probably most confortable car ive ever owned. it was nice. never had a problem. MPG was shit, but I guess it comes with the territory. lol

Shit, I work in Gardena, California, there are so many warehouses here that load up luxury smashed cars into those steal containers and send them oversea’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if majority of lux cars go there. They cram 3-4 of them in a metal bin, its crazy to watch.

Yup, always, like others have said, “see yah at the bar”. lol

Explain the simple loan vehicle process. Its a ripoff. Every day. Interest grows... That 21% on the page? No problem! only $2,100 on a $10k car! Nope, its more like 121% or $15k of interest on a $10k car by the end of the 8 years... educate the masses...!!

dumb. the whole idea of this car was cheap drivers car. it should be a 15k car. if they want to add all the extras they can and jump it to 30k.

As someone with two harleys, 1998 fatboy and 2019 street glide this is just a dumb idea. I’ve never rode my Harley to be the fastest and craziest rider. They are cruizers for roaming around town to town bar to bar, not for racing. If I wanted speed I’d get a Japanese bike.