
I have two harleys, a 1998 model and 2019 model. My 1998 model is built so much better then my 2019, very little plastic pieces. I’m not surprised...

“The average American driver spends about 27 minutes commuting to work one way..” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

I always walk out of dealerships if I see a markup on a MSRP. I understand special cars like Vipers, but on regular vehicles? That’s just insulting.

If they kill the Z Nissan is done. They have nothing going on for them.

Great price. I would totally for shits and giggles. They are nice cars, minus the engines. lol

Weird to put a bike engine in a car, usually its the other way around on these crazy builds. just needs some paint and and a radio and you have a Slingshot competitor!

Yup the Geo Storm sister car had that badge. Isuzu something

Awesome detail, but now I’m stressed out. That’s a lot of money to fix it up. That cracked interior dash is major pet peeve. I cant stand that.

Another Plymouth Prowler... too bad

Love junkyards, so many stories and history with each car.

From my experience the main reason we dont see many old cars in general is because of SMOG. Smog is the biggest racketeer ever.

If it was private seller it would be great. Coming from noname dealer its trash and hiding many gremlins.

Im actually surprised a couple didn’t do well. The buick convertable I thought would attract all the old sebring folks. I thought the Fiat would be a hit it was “cute”. And the Buick wagon.. .surprised... Guess times have changed!

Think Jalopnik has a series fetish problem with Jeeps, just saying...

I just wish I wasn’t always a pending user... 2 years strong.. pending away! ;)  lol

Ford/Chevy/Dodge will look back at this decision in the future and be like oops, we fucked up. Then they will start building cars on SUV platforms, and everything will get funky.

Nissan > Infinite | Toyota > Lexus | Honda > Acura | Hyundia > Kia | etc.... will be a thing of the past. One thing American Car Companies got right was to get rid of all the duplicated vehicles based on same platform. (RIP Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, Plymouth, etc..). Just keep your primary platform, and create

Frontier is garbage, got one as a rental in Texas. Heaping crap. slow. loud on highway. bad handling, technology 10+ years old. It just felt old, really old, and it only had 60 miles on it. 

love the ebrake suggestion, never thought of that, always hated that transmission clunk. good shit

Waiting for left over mercedes parts again...