
Love the looks and all was considering one years ago, then my friend bought one and we ripped around town for a weekend and it changed my mind. Maybe its just better for roadtrips down the highway, but around cities parking is a pain because its wide, people ding your doors all the time and trying to get into the car

I think some of this is actually comes down to the dealerships. I own a Chevy and a Dodge. Last few Chevy dealerships I went to had horrible customer service (non-existant), stores were old, dusty, cars were not lined up or clean at all. No organization. Everything just seemed really old and out of date, even the

It’s actually amazing how little 9th gen F-150's are on the market (as its my fav generation). I did a quick search across all craigstlist and found about 12... 12 across america. Unless the boomer generation is using another method to sell their trucks.. odd..

Resent that, those old ‘vettes were a blast! plus you could tel people you had a vette... kinda.

Man I hate buying cars online. Usually why I end up paying more at a real stealership just to avoid it. one time I was looking at a Mercedes something or other, looked good on craigslist, messaged the guy back and forth couple times on questions, then met at mall parking lot to see it. Soon as I pulled up I saw all

Boring boring boring. Can a car get more boring? Big no here. Boring car with expensive maintenance...

As someone who rents cars all the time for years now I can say ABSOLUTELY NOT. Abuse abuse abuse. Engine abuse, accident cover ups all the time. not to mention unless your replaceing the interior people sleep, eat, have sex, etc.. dirty shit in the car you’ll never clean. avoid

These were great vans actually, not too big not too small. I had a blue one with wood side panels. automatic. Mine I think was 6 cylinder though.

I would love to see a high level financial statement on what exactly the costs are. Tooling? Payroll? Licenses? Must be insane...

I actually prefer high milage cars. Allows my broke ass to get semi-dream cars at bargin prices for as long as they last... I consider this simple formula. A new car will put you back $500-$800 month depending on your taste, plus you’ll still have to pay for maintenance and broken shit as your warranty will expire

Just boring. It looks like a 90's toyota.... that’s the problem. Part of what made Prius and Tesla popular was their unique (questionable) looks.

wow! merry xmas to me! thanks! :)

That’s insane!

Least your not pending approval for 2 years like me. lol

This is awesome. I’m totally interested in this. I hope it catches on.

Im still confused why the dart failed. Its a great looking car inside and out. I see them a lot around still. Road noise is min. If I was in that market Id take it over a Kia/Hundai/Mazda any day. My biggest issue with small cars is road noise. My old 2014 cruze is quieter then almost all the cars in its class. Plenty

Sexy body on this. Love it. Prefer over newer gens. Too bad not stick tho.

didnt even read article, just had to put my crap vote in. These are junk, so many friends had different variations of these in school. So many problems.

Eye of the beholder I guess. I dont see it as attractive or something I would buy, and I like audi’s a lot!

BMW lost me years ago. used to be simple 3 -5-8. Now its every number and version in between and then some. too confusing. seems like colossal waste of money.