
The new Toyota... boring and forgetful. 

Whats a ford F-240? lol

much better than the tahoe. well done!

Yup. Ugly stick is strong for 2021.

is there a worst vehicle of each decade listing? like to see how those videos goes. :)

Always cheaper to rent. Get your basic flying license at local airport around $7k. rent a plane for couple hundred hour, includes gas. That’s the best way to do this. (SoCal area)

Musk already tweeted he is going to make it shorter and more narrow for final production because there was a stink about it not fitting on most garages.

One of my all time fav cars.

bright banana yellow stingray, believe it was 73?

its very “In & Out” style. :)

Good luck in new adventures!!!! One day when I’m not a pending user people will read this. lol

As a 2014 cruze owner with almost 200,000 miles. I plan on going hatchback. Probably VW . I cant see why anyone who owns a cruze or equivelent would want a SUV, completely different needs/wants from a vehicle.

Still have a 2014 cruze. runs great, 160k nothing wrong but minor fit and finish things

Remove Chrysler, bring back Imperial, ultra luxury brand!

Crazy how many NEW car companies are coming out these days. I guess the combustible engine was a real challenge for companies in the past, but now that’s out of the picture everyone/anyone is starting a company!

some reason i have the urge to buy an old 70's Cutless or camaro. all this computer shit equals zero personality.

Yup rented a bunch of nissan cars and trucks in 2018. Probably the most boring and dull car. Boxer best by far!

torque rules all

if the owner is a writer for Jalopnik. big red flag...! lol

Toronado did it best!