
Can you help me come up with some premises for Adam Sandler films instead?

A Kwyjibo?

Seinfeld, Friends, Mad About You for a while too.

After an all new Maron!

Your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?

Tickets are on sale at 10am on August 11, not 12pm…

Issa's search for a working battery.

I don't get this? I use the FXNow app on my Xbox and it's fantastic. Live streams of FX and FXX, eps out on demand pretty quick, and of course Simpsons World.

First, he's grounded. No leaving the house, not even for school. Second, no egg nog. In fact, no nog, period. And third, absolutely no hacking for three months.

so much space dust

And not just reposts, days old reposts at that.

*holds up sign*

The Dell Guy (who shows up whenever he hears Dell or Adele's new album)

The first five minutes of that episode was off-the-charts batty. Always fun when Scott is getting annoyed and not having any control of the show.

I listened to High and Mighty #100 with his wife Tiffany and it pretty much revealed exactly that.

This was not a good event. But it was always going to be hard to compete against finding out that Chris Regal was still alive.

Hair goes up, hair goes down, hair goes up

Bita Joudaki!

A few years back, there was a run of CBB improviser guests coming on as bad standups. Ming pitching jokes about old video games was a return to that - unfunny and stretched out far too long.

Worse than the NT News?