Anyone else read Denton's 'State of Gawker' address and come away feeling like a red-headed step-commentator?
Anyone else read Denton's 'State of Gawker' address and come away feeling like a red-headed step-commentator?
I was this close to owning Santa myself when I was a kid, but that fucking pedophile had much better lawyers.
Why do people do this to themselves, just turn off the academy awards.
Last week old-school taco flavor hit the shelves, this week nothing with no plans on bringing them back.
Team Name DUAN.
No shit. I don't have the heart to tell you guys now that I was talking about how I miss the band 'Deadspin' that I used to play with in high school.
I really miss methamphetamines.
I really miss Deadspin.
Time for a "We Are All De Smith" daily thread?
I tried something similar but when I put the cam on my dick all I got was it alternating between light and dark for two minutes, me chasing the hooker down the street, then 3 hours of ceiling footage. Damn Viagra.
Something tells me that is the closest Joel will come to wrestling with a girl in his lifetime.
Northern Lights #5 and a Philly Blunt with a 2-liter of Squirt as a chaser.
It's hard to choose which side to take when the options are douchebag or asshole.
You should post the pics, Noirjuggling was able to turn Uwe into a mini-meme with his pics.
Herbicide finally took it's toll, so sad.
So did Dan Snyder drop his lawsuit or did today's 'We Are All Dave McKenna' story get poached by Simmons too?
Damn! Now I'm juhst addvansing the steroetype.
@vodkanaut: No, YOU can't spell Canadian Immigration Policy.
Pitchers and catchers report in 364 days!!