Can Crusher

Is this from something? It’s a very detailed description.

He’s not even President yet, give the guy a chance.

Funny to see how utilitarianism has taken over on this site. Forget the value of the truth, all that matters is consequences! I look forward to reading the Jez commentariat’s reaction to Hofer, Fillon/Le Pen, and the upcoming Italian referendum. You guys are on the downswing, the right is ascendent!

She did a great job, especially with her statistic about the likelihood of black men killing cops vs being killed by cops. There will be a non-zero amount of fence sitters brought over to the conservative side by this and that’s a good thing.

I hope they do, just because they are a practical garment with as many uses as a towel. Lay it on the grass so you have something to lay on, shields you from the rain and the sun, and so on. The air force used to use capes as part of a certain dress uniform they had, back in their early days.

It’s just a different set of values. I value pleasure over efficiency. There’s no knowledge in the world that can arbitrate between the two. Different people have different values, and they don’t need to be justified to anyone else, indeed they can’t because they are brute facts about individual psychology. I’m

I was indifferent to the Weiner, but now I love him. I already cast my Trump vote, let’s drive this train off the tracks. I’ve got empathy for me and mine and we’ll be alright. Society and humanity are junk appealed to by people who aren’t sympathetic as individuals.

I applaud his fighting prowess but condemn his moralism.

Rights belong to all of us, feelings only belong to the person feeling them.

Civil rights are nothing but legal rights, with the right constitutional amendment you could do anything to anyone.

Good for Zuck. Political correctness has gone too far lately, and it’s good to see the pendulum start to swing back in the other direction. The Chik-Fil-A boycott failing miserably was a triumph. Trump is just the envoy of the beginning, it’s the herald of the end we can really look forward to.

Nah, let’s have fun with life and spread clown stories. It is legimately funny when some fool dressed as a clown scares the shit out of some rando.

Sorry people enjoy different things than you.

I don’t see why people get so mad about the Russian connection. Does it make the information any less true? Who cares if he doesn’t publish any anti-Trump stuff, it’s better to get something than nothing at all.

Unless the net amount of anime offerings increases, it amounts to the same thing.

Everything effects somebody. Smoking cigs is cool and I don’t appreciate you trying to tear down my culture. If I can drive a car I can smoke, the level of emissions is on a totally different scale. If you don’t like smoke you can go to the library (but the bars, clubs, and parks are smoker territory). Also church,

Agreed. If you want options that don’t have fan service that’s fine, but if you want to create these options by having people get rid of fan service that’s not fine. You don’t have a right to have content creators choose you as a target audience. Luckily for the Japanese there is zero chance of this being at all

Or maybe we can just mind our own business and let people smoke.

Civil War was pretty cool, don’t know what your problem with it was.

I am quite excited for this game. It will rise or fall based on its own merits. Whether or not it has Kojima’s name is not relevant.