
“Gah mom, mouths are so, like, last eon. All the cool kids today absorb nutrition into their bodies through osmosis!”

My wife had one, also manual, that she drove from Toronto to Alaska living in it the whole way. We road tripped all over Alaska in it. I loved that car!

And honda was stupid as hell for halting sales.

I’ve noticed that there’s this idea that if you want a great tech-filled future of ease and peace, you have to also want to deny feeling, sensation, pleasure. Sleep? Is for the lazy and old. Food? A waste of time to prepare and eat. Love? Aren’t we smarter than that?

I’m sure there is a small subset of people who just absolutely have no need to eat apart from basic biological necessity. But most people enjoy eating to some degree or another and have favorite foods and cuisines. I just don’t see this ‘taking off’ in a big way. Most people are going to definitely want to eat

Their name is the only reason I give a shit about them.

Accuracy takes a back seat to getting it to you first.

It is, but they’ve grown weary of plain old “fucking people” and yearn for the variety of a good strap-on.

Hence the strap-on reference.

You’ve got them pegged.

Fucking people is more-or-less their state motto.

Made me smile. Thanks.

“Only we can fuck these people!”

Came in expecting strapon jokes. Am leaving satisfied.

farscythe reporting for duty

And if you see one deer crossing the road, be on the lookout for more. They’re seldom alone.

This is, by far, a better morning after take than the ones over on The Slot that, so far, are only blaming Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and their voters.

Am I the only one that noticed it was the ‘Yota car? Though he hasn’t said anything about the Japanese exporters, I’m pretty sure he would have rather had the livery on something that was an American brand (even if the Camry is just about the most American car sold in America right now)

Counterpoint : if you don’t read the comics, avoided the chatter and conjecture all summer and just watched the show last night, like I did, it was totally worth it.

I’m with you. I find I’m looking at it less and less these days. Not just about election stuff, but just tired of people trying to humblebrag their life. I use it to post stuff about a show I work on or to put up some stupid story I read, but other than that, I think I look at it every three or four days, which is far