
This is my reaction whenever I log in to Facebook in the last few months and looking at the political posts on my feed.

so many people are going to eat pavement.

All those are doing is making the skiers look like asshats.

Outraged, and also confused. He broke federal laws to overpay for Tim Tebow’s helmet. What?

You asked a question about something that was EXPLICITLY explained (in the first few secs of the video) to avoid the EXACT question/concern you had (about the article based on SAID video) But i’m a dumb ass and an asshole? You’re incompetent, good day!

I don’t care about that! The reason to tell the truth is not that it might accomplish some strategic political goal like defeating a particular candidate. The reason to tell the truth is that it is the truth.

This! Grandfather mountain and cherohala skyway are a few destinations on that way as well.

“Our governor was literally created when a rat was crossbred with a twenty dollar bill.”

They took away Duke and UNC’s home games for the first 2 rounds of the NCAA Tournament.

Now playing

“The Daily Show” has been hit or miss since my boo Jon left, but they knocked it out of the park with this segment.

This is not the alt-right, this is the culmination of well over 30 years of legitimized racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, intolerance, science denying political philosophy and world view. This is establishment Republicanism in its most transparent and shameful and disgusting form. This is what they created and

This aint Jalopnik Bae... just kidding, what kinda car? I haven’t done a long drive in a while and I’m wondering how to prep

This aint Jalopnik Bae... just kidding, what kinda car? I haven’t done a long drive in a while and I’m wondering how

In what way are money managers and stock pickers not a bunch of motherfuckers?

Season 2 was a thing of beauty.

Sir Davos over here!

What are you? Some kind of Onion Knight or something?

Hmm. I feel like you should test this out. Go find a 7-11 with an armed guard, piss on the walls and start tearing down signage, attempt to jump in a cab and tell me how this goes*.

This is totally what’s happening here.
