
She must have seen Melissa Leo's Oscar campaign from a few years back and said, "Hmm - not quite crazy enough."

Let's just go ahead and make it on BOTH hands.

It will, however, remain a standard of complication.

It was technically a Han-job. (He shot first.)

Check out SURVEILLANCE (if you haven't already). Jennifer Lynch (David's daughter) made it and it's BANANAS.

Peggy's Californian accent at the racetrack was AWESOME.

I was, too! I was convinced he was the dude who killed off the guys transporting the frozen girl and went after Peg and Wilkes at the Observatory.

Not mainstream, I realize, but FIRE WALK WITH ME had the greenhouse guy from the show. (Right?)

There was also that one where Famke Jannnsssennn was on house arrest because she killed her abusive boyfriend in self-defense but then he came back as an abusive ghost and she wasn't able to leave the apartment so he got to keep abusing her, which didn't work for her on a number of levels. And I think the abusive


So this film is no longer about orange juice? NOT INTERESTED.

Good thing that's not happening here in the States. Oh, hi, Rooney Mara!

One word (okay, I looked it up and it's actually two): CLOSET LAND. Saw it in high school, and he hooked me forever. Weird-ass movie, but he's riveting.

To whoever had this video pulled down: Fuck you forever.

Seen WIND CHILL? Horror movie set on a country road during a blizzard, starring Emily Blunt. Much better than it should be.

Yep. Flying my freak flag at half-mast today. And probably the rest of the week. And life.

I have no idea who this man is but he is the living definition of the perfect couch husband. This list is the tits. BOOGEDY for Prez.

His brother, Proton Peck.

Not to mention their lasagna.

In Barry and Patty's opening scene when they looked out the window and said, "Hey, look - snow" it would have been awesome if they'd cut to a shot of Caitlyn standing on the terrace outside.