
At least she's not a porn star… anymore.

I just want him to eat his fucking cereal.

I'll ask HR to process your direct deposit.

"Life after camp is as improbable as sex after marriage!"

Doesn't one of these feature Miss DiPesto from MOONLIGHTING? I refuse to look it up myself because THAT'S WHAT I PAY YOU PEOPLE FOR.


Heather is everything. She fills the Dalia Royce-shaped hole in my heart.

Shut up, Tandy.

Wasn't he in Paris for the last murders? Not that that would be an obstacle for this show.

I agree with you about Gaga, who I feel has been sleepskulking through the season until this ep. It's amazing how much more expressive one's face becomes when you add eyebrows!

To be fair, they were employed by the camp as Rescue Rangers…

Weren't they the "Rat in a Box" and "Boobie Chew" people?

I hope you know the Bus Stop.

That's actually her mouth.

Totally - that was my first thought as well. And I got some serious Basket Case vibes when the baby stowed away in the frigging suitcase - hilarious.

Yyyyyup. And the end of The Hunger where all of Deneueve's former lovers rally to destroy her has got to be in the cards - think they built the lobby with a balcony for a specific reason?

Likewise Evan Peters. Thanks for showing up to work today!

"Farmhouse sink!"


We just got Mysterium and are looooooving it. Ghosts! Art! Characters with funny mustaches! Even the streaming "spooky" soundtrack that comes with it is pretty solid.