
SPOILERS for the original abound…
The one reason I was bummed about the remake when I saw that they had pulled a gender-flip - which I normally love - is that the original is one of the very few horror flicks out there with a gay protagonist. I found the parallels between his being closeted as a gay man and being a

"Broadcast Shrews" is currently airing on Fox Shrews.

I called my cat a "furry little bastard" because of this movie. Mother was not amused.

For me she's just showing up. I die inside every time I think of what Eva Green would be doing in this role.

These guys are Christmas dicks.

That was her coke table. She never travels without it!

If that's what it really takes to kill Horshack from "Welcome Back Kotter", I'm all for it.

Fit for foodies?


I turned to my equally bored companion and said, "Hey, that's Dave Foley doing Johnny Depp in ED WOOD!"

And since we're on the topic, at this point his superhero name should clearly be O Face. I mean, seriously.

Agreed on all counts. This movie was fucking horrible. And this is coming from a frequent defender of the HOSTEL movies, a longtime CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST fan, and a Sky Ferreira apologist.

Well, to be fair, many of the other kids are also clueless about the activist group leaders' double-cross, and they all die horribly. Because they didn't have the foresight to marry the director.

Especially not the Bijan…

There's another fetus in there playing "Buffalo Soldier" on acoustic guitar.

Agreed. That kid was hilarious, in spite of the whole rapping thing being atrocious.

It's a good time. And it's one of the rare single-players that might be more fun to watch someone else play, because a lot of the decisions are pretty tough to make. It becomes much more nerve-wracking (and therefore hilarious) than you might expect.


This is a fascinating film - a truly horrifying concept (based on a true story - I believe the dog was found by Jean Seberg and her boyfriend in real life?) grounded by two excellent performances (especially Winfield, who is stunning). Some of the scenes are extremely hard to watch, particularly when the dog attacks

It really is a fun book. Though much of the fun comes from the book design, which is truly inspired. I imagine that most of the target audience for the series will not be familiar with the concept of a "catalog".