
Those legs! Of all the incredible things I did not see coming in this prequel series, Wain's muscled gams are the notseecomingest.

"Eyebrow Monkey isn't dancing. WHY WON'T EYEBROW MONKEY DANCE?!?!"

Sex popes are nothing to joke about.

He looks like Rango.

Hey, nobody beats the Riz.

Shouldn't this thing be called "Lenni"?

I look forward to the official recap on Bob Loblaw's Law Blog.

"Elicited a sensible chuckle!"

I prefer Eddie Gizzard.

Someone had a big day at the groomer's!

By the Joe Henry Principle, Madonna was also technically once sibling to Michael Penn. It's no myth!


I couldn't get past the opening scene, which was fucking pathetic. But I just wanted to point out a factual in your review: you refer to an actor on the show as having the name "Amadeus Serafini", which is ridiculous. His actual name, obviously, is Johann Sebastian Spaghetti.

The kind who plays "Shamanic magic mystical music" and employs Jason Statham as a loinclothed go-go dancer, I hope?

"Theatre of Blood" is the best - its balance of high culture and high camp is perfection (and so British it hurts, in the best possible way).


This just makes me miss Estate of Panic. Anyone remember that one? No? K.

If some deranged genius actually pulls this off, I will literally wet myself.

I can't wait for Hannibal's version of a Golden Girls "Cheesecake Episode".

Maybe it really was that kind of party?