
I'm pretty much with you on all points. And in my mind, your daughter is four years old and that phone call was hilarious.

First thing I thought of as well, so I ended up laughing through Jon's murder. "This is for Boogie Nights!!"

I specifically read this book because I was totally burned out on one specific subgenre of fiction. Then the twist came and placed this book squarely in that subgenre. I will not be watching this show.

Exactly. It at least had the sack to actually try to be scary and slasher-like, as opposed to… well, pink.

What a dummy!

Are you saying that, in this case, the violins cannot be justified?

The score for "Psycho" was ALL violins - I actually liked the reference in what was otherwise a really awkward scene.

There's always next season!

I've been expecting them to pull this trick, too - American Horror Story did something similar very effectively. As for Norman having to erase the memory, that shouldn't be a problem - as long as "Mother" kills Norma and Norman doesn't find out about it. Yes, I'm talking Farmiga-on-Farmiga violence, and I hope to

His words upon "discovering" Bradley's corpse are also the same that Norman yells when "discovering" Marion's in the film: "Mother, what have you done?!" I half expected that they'd have Highmore nervously nibbling candy corn as he watched the car sink. Loved it.

Better than a cheap actress not shitting for the sake of a fart joke.

And them's some cunning stunts!

Behead me once, shame on Ryan Murphy.
Behead me twice, shame on me.
Behead me three times, shame on my friend Jessica for roping me into this, attracting the attention of a hungry lion, then tripping me and running away.

I was briefly holding on to hope that he and Chick were actually the same person, just to add to the split-personality goodness. But sadly, no.

She looks like when Beetlejuice turned into a snake.

I was very excited to see Norman's internal vision of
"Norma" come out for the first time (if memory serves) last week in the bathroom.
There's so much they can do with Farmiga in this capacity, regardless
of when the inevitable happens - I almost hope that the show spends devotes some time to the period when real


I'll third this. Saw them on the awesomely-named Death and Dismemberment tour - Dismemberment Plan opened and were amazing, then Death Cab came on and we found the show to be seriously lacking. We left after a few songs.

We once went to see a triple-bill of Sleater-Kinney, Flaming Lips, and Wilco on New Year's Eve at MSG. I like Wilco and all, but I'm sorry, you don't put them after the Lips - it's like throwing the most kickass birthday party for a seven-year old ever and then asking everyone to stay for a class on the basics of

I love that Fuller pulled the exact moment of DESCENT where I jumped about 10 feet out of my theater seat. STILL GOT IT, BRYAN!