
Thanks! I owe you one. Or maybe two, depending on the search results.

Can anyone tell me the name of the guy in the header pic is so I can just Google him + assless chaps instead of watching this thing? Thanks, you guys are great.

And III and IV aren't actually at the camp either, just near it. And while 1 and 2 are set at two different camps, neither is actually open. VI is the only one that actually features campers, at summer camp, camping it up.

It is and it is AMAZING - the scenes in the restaurant are spot-on (I wouldn't be surprised if they actually film them there). They also have a bar downtown in the Village and have an old-timey car that they drive around and park various places for promotion.

- BOOK SPOILERS - This book pissed me off royally because I specifically chose to read it because I was burned out on a specific subgenre of sci-fi/horror/fantasy… and then with the final twist this book plopped itself squarely in that exact subgenre. WHEN IS IT MY TURN, PINES?

"Gun", on the other hand, has a nice ring to it and is sure not to incite panic or anything like that.

I'm really glad Sam T-J lost that argument about the last line, because her version might actually have averted one of the most epically disastrous endings I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing with an audience, all of whom were utterly dickslapped.

Ironic, considering that Nightmare 2 was itself "in the closet".

They like their egg whites to dance all sexy-like.

Carnal Monkeys…

Anyone remember the NES "Dracula" game where you just ran around the suburbs knocking on front doors and hoping people would open them so you could eat them? It was like a Mormon training video.

I loved that ep - and even more so, the follow-up ep where a supermodel finds the compact and uses it to kill off her competition. Or did that ep come first? Anyway, the sight of a supermodel setting herself on fire with AquaNet while smoking a cigarette haunts ME to this day.

Friday the 13th: Jason Sucks Some Cock? I'm sorry, I meant Jason Kills.

Goobers or Raisinets?

I know him, and he does.

The TV ads featured the moment where Santa jumps out and beheads a kid who is sledding at night. In the movie it's made clear that the kid was a total dbag who stole another kid's sled and therefore totally deserved to be decapitated, but when shown out of context in a 30-second ad it was completely terrifying. I

Is this a sequel to that 3D Paz de la Huerta movie?

My hubs is the same way with Rose Byrne - every time we see a movie with her in it (which happens more often than one might realize), I have to tell him, "Hey, that's 'I'm tal-king… about… my… asshole.' lady"

The nostertia are in bloom again…

Without the head. The show clearly prefers her that way.