
Is this an appropriate time to confess my that my first crush ever was on the animated fox Robin Hood? Followed by Wings-era Paul McCartney. No, I did not grow up to be a fox-diddler. Or Heather Mills.

This movie is awesome. I got a bootleg DVD of a very shitty VHS transfer of it years back and the fact that the movie was mostly dancing balls of grey scored with unrecognizable animal calls actually heightened the eerie mood in the way that bad transfers can for suckers of horror/thrillers from this period (like me).

You mean the ones where she's dressed as a hot water bottle? Cherished, totally nonperverted memories!

You'd think his office would at least send a postcard to its patients: "A reminder that your next appointment is NEVER BECAUSE THE DOCTOR IS DEAD THANKS."

"- Was the Penny subplot necessary at all? No- oh wait, yes, because FS
needs even more characters than what they know what to do with."

Fortunately, Girder is easily the dumbest villain in the history of single-episode villains, and is utterly unequipped to do anything with that information. "Hey, I wanna go out with you. Wait, is that my mugshot on TV? Gimme your phone." [breaks phone] "Here's ten thousand dollars cash. LATER." [leaves] Wait, what?!

My favorite part of this review (which I thoroughly enjoyed, mind you) is that it has a tag for "Filed Under Kirk Cameron", which suggests that he might actually be written about again after this. So sweet!

"Anti Q's" is the first thing I thought when I saw the teaser image on the homepage. Also, I was at a party a few weeks back where they were playing the score from this movie. I travel in only the most refined circles.

I'll call it right now: the new killer is the paperclip helper from Microsoft Office.

I fucking love WOLF GIRL. Tim Curry AND Grace Jones?! IN CANADA?? Done.

Yes, but for me Matt Berry's dulcet tones were more than enough!

Don't get Johnny, Angry.

My suspicion that I was going to love DREDD was confirmed when one of the characters was shown watching SNUFF BOX (I think it actually appears several times). WHISKEYY!

I do wish I had first experienced the film completely sight unseen. When I saw this in the theater during the first weekend of release, the theater staff told us multiple times as we entered that "This film contains shocking scenes of intense violence and gore. DO NOT ENTER THE THEATER if you cannot handle this." But

No, Coco - don't take off your slipcover! It's not worth it!!

I'm eagerly awaiting your letter to Mena Suvari and Shaun Cassidy. That was some shit right there!

I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man!

Seriously! The theater was 2 blocks from the hospital in the movie. Luckily I did not have to share my popcorn with John Goodman's character.

At the end of "Bringing Out the Dead" I ran to the men's room to bawl my eyes out in a filthy stall. Considering I saw it at a terrifying subterranean second-run theater in Hell's Kitchen and the homeless woman behind me was coughing into my hair the whole time, it's no small feat that the film - which isn't even all

For a second there I thought you said that Riley Keogh has "also played
Marie Curie," which I would be approximately 3,294,583 times more likely
to watch than this whateverthefuck.