
I was on the flight. I took this picture prior to landing.

What did the other wing look like?!

unemployement is at a 16 year low....... isnt that when the gop came into power last and fucked everything up?

I’m always astounded people seem to think they get to have an opinion AND get to voice it about what you put into your own body. You want to judge me for what I’m eating/drinking/smoking/fucking, sure, go ahead. I believe in the inalienable human right to have an opinion about anything and everything. Seriously,

England: tyres
America: tires

When every statistic shows that the highest levels of drug abuse comes via prescription, it isn’t so much that they “forgot” about those doctors. Rather, these politicians checked their donation lists, saw how much of their campaign money comes from Big Pharma and decided to sort out the national drug problem by going

If your plan for governance is so terrible that it makes you believe you need a 24/7 security detail, you might want to rethink your plan.

I find your argument convincing. Do you have a newsletter?

This article hits home for me. I was paralyzed at the age of 21 in 2014, and while I’ve had a very lucky recovery, I will always face a lifetime of related medical costs. I know that there are millions of people in similar situations, and it filled me with rage to watch Paul Ryan give that fucking PowerPoint

meeting Kermit the Frog is the best experience one can have on this planet

The TSA was acting on tips that he apparently had inherited his father’s ability to sting like a bee, and they weren’t taking chances.

Trump vs. Putin sounds like a fart battle.

Given that filling every other post has been like “open-mic” night at a comedy club, why should the Russians be treated differently!

Human nature. Sort of like Republican pro-lifers demanding their mistresses get abortions.

You hit the nail on the head. I could go into the long diatribe of how we’re doing this wrong and how we should be doing like in Europe, but I won’t because it gets us nowhere. The fact is that the whole CAFE thing is more political than any actual bureaucratic process that could be created to make any real

Personally I see the best outcome as four years of simmering chaos in which the ineptitude and corruption creates its own kind of gridlock so that miraculously he is able to “accomplish” nothing in four years. Anyone who expected a smooth-running authoritarian regime didn’t see Trump on the campaign trail, reality TV,

Really, be careful what you wish for. The risk of seeing his shrunken cheese doodle is too great. Some fates are worse than death.