
I’d start with when you get punched in the face and they fall down.

Pretty sure that’s a code-Browno, dude.

1: “A report from Chicago authorities found that nearly 60% of illegal guns recovered in the city from 2009 to 2013 were first sold in states with more lax gun laws. The largest portion came from Indiana, which accounted for 19% of the illegal guns in Chicago.” - USA TODAY, Oct. 28, 2015

When you say “I am genuinely asking” and then insult the people you are asking, you are not genuinely asking.

you got a bunch of highly nuanced responses, indicating that the problem is very complex in nature… and your respond by saying this? WHAT ABOUT INDIANA YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD?

This is concern trolling.

Especially all the Evangelicals who came out in droves to vote for a person who had long been a personifications of excess and greed. It’s like that Bible passage about how it’s way easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle if you grab it by the camel pussy.

Exactly. Whether they truly understand that’s what they voted for is open to debate, but there can’t be anyone who voted for Trump who thought this guy was after something other than making a quick buck. That he’s enabling so many of his cronies to do so now can’t possibly have anyone in shock.

Marchman doesn’t touch oatmeal, you simp. He builds a “tree” out of cereal boxes (ranked):

“safe space” “snowflake” “obamacare” “move already” I HAVE BINGO!

“In closing, you’re just a massive hypocrite, a big reason people like me sit in the middle and feel disgust by people on both sides of the aisle...”

“These keys look yuuge in my hands!”

just give him some plastic keys and he’ll lose interest

“Are you now or have you ever been a believer that man-made CO2 emissions are responsible for rapid global warming? Answer the question!”

No, we just need him to fail publicly. Doesn’t matter what he fails at. There is a reason he has continued to campaign after winning the election: his popularity is dependent on his continued claims of greatness. Evidence to the contrary will be like blood in the water. His fans will turn on him at the first sign of

Yeah, those dudes in Boston back in in the 1700's didn’t start anything meaningful with their rabble-rousing...

He’s wearing camouflage pants.

A person who owns a gun is a gun person. A person who owns a gun is likely a fearful person. I’m sure “gang bangers” are just as fearful as other gun owners, albeit often with good reason I would think, unlike the responsible white gun owners in your fantasy world, who have no reason to carry other than cowboy