
What’s the income cutoff to be in the top 1 percent? I recently changed jobs and now make much more money than I used to and I need to know if I should be outraged at this or if other people just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Dick Armey would like a word with you.

Virginia Foxx is also ranked #1 on the politicians that sound like pornstars list, just ahead of Barbara Boxer.

Sadly, his transportation pick is one of his better ones.

It’ll be at least 4 years. Enjoy the nap.

A New Yorker cartoon, because a classy man deserves a classy magazine.

Ascot guy: “I say old chap, they’re now selling discount free-range escargot. How garish! This is what Trump has wrought upon the proletariat! The scoundrel!”

“mesopelagic” = Fancy

“mesonotsopelagic” = not as Fancy

also acceptable : “mehsopelagic”

There was no critical coverage of Hillary over the final months of the election

That’ll get you a handy from Huckabee but no eye contact or “gay stuff”.

Check your local Autozone for the new Mother’s De-Douche in a convenient rattle can. Never has it been so easy to clean the Illest off your car.

you know the racing is intense when peoples freaking legs are blown off.

When did Toyota make gokarts?

Reminded me of Maldonado. Dive in, then hit wall.

Sorry dude—if Mike Pence’s bible taught me anything it’s that smiting my brother is just fine down here because I only answer to Jesus. Petard hoisted.

“I think there is some connectivity. Some, something. It depends on how much.”

I just read through the live stream. I am thoroughly horrified. I am going to try heroin.