
A lot has changed since your coma. We’ve had a black president for almost 8 years now.

Eric, honestly I would have expected you to know better on the left lane rules. It doesn’t matter if there are 2 lanes or 5 lanes, the mechanics and reasons for not camping in the left lane are the same.

I’d say that a coded ability to calculate the physics involved in driving a multi-ton vehicle makes autonomous vehicles exponentially safer than most drivers who don’t have a basic understanding of the mechanics of a 4-way stop.

Thinking that Trump is a incoherent blowhard isn’t political, he could be running as an Independent or Dem and people still would believe that. No, this is an article about an overvalued, weirdly colored relic of the 80's and the car he is selling.

In response, the NCGOP has released an official statement:

Send cake!

If tears are just salty body excretions, aren’t millennials technically boomer tears?

Bernie will never really relinquish control of F1. Until he kicks the bucket, we all have to....

I’m more of a fan of the top ten qualifiers get to run the track clockwise and the rest of the field runs counter clockwise.

You know what would save F1?

Me manos es gigante, Hillarys’s manos es poquito. Malo!

Let me get this straight,

My God. He’s gone full Perot. forgot fried chicken breast as a viable sandwich bread...

There really does need to be a comparison, like the average number of fecal coliforms per 100 words of a Trump speech.

Maybe I’m a child, but “eight inches total, in the annulus.”

I think the move’s real nature can only be seen when looking at the whole corner and comparing his driving with not only the racing line, but how anyone could even stay on the track if keeping on the left side of Kvyat.

I wish people spent half as much time worrying about whether they were raising their children to be assholes as they do worrying about this and other so called “holistic” and “natural” parenting issues.