
Mythbusters demonstrated that the speed of two colliding objects is not additive the way you describe (150mph + 70mph == 220mph impact). Basically, if two objects collide at 50mph, the impact damage is the same as one object hitting a wall at 50mph. Unfortunately, they did not specifically test what happens if one is

Obviously, this one.

You probably typed this with your wifi turned on, which we all know causes electromagnetic fields that impact the macroflavotrol of the post. Nice try, Big Milk shill.

he uses computers all the time. computers love him. he has fantastic computers, with many many friends.

Now you’re getting into the whole “should you change your sheets more often if your cash and prizes are jangling against them all night” thing.

Its like Pontiac bought Lamborghini and stuck all of their left over TransAm cladding on random places. Then they took the “more cow bell” approach and spent all the rest of the budget at Pep Boys and JC Whitney.

It does. Happened to me once. They cut right in pretendeding they didn’t see me. So after they unloaded their hand basket and J unloaded mine, when they weren’t looking I loaded all their shit back into the basket and put it on the ground.

12. Horrific motorboating accident.

The Old Man Yelling At A Cloud also says he’d like to force the teams back to V8 engines, as if that’s a thing he can just unilaterally do

Hmm, I’m picturing what a ‘huge-ass pool’ looks like...