
Maybe they can have ornamental bags of Valtrex as the parting gift.

You’re correct. Herpes isn’t tested for by any repro health experts unless someone has an active outbreak. We can’t distinguish between oral and genital herpes (90% of americans have the former, 20% the latter according to the CDC). So basically, if all you do is the blood test, almost everyone will test positive. If

I love her overuse of the word “we,” like her statements obviously apply to everyone. As someone who, like the author, fairly recently also made the decision to start focusing on my health, there is one thing I’ve definitely learned (about myself): exercising in yoga/fitted pants makes exercise easier and more

I am tired of men defining real rape as “the level which I haven’t done to a woman”. The rape definition changes and doesn’t get believed because these men feel guilty as fuck because they knew in their hearts they’ve crossed lines and boundaries. Tarantino sits at home at night and lies to himself he’s not a rapist

In the words of Ms. Swift herself: This is why we can’t have nice things.

Something to bring up the next time someone talks about “these poor men, having their lives ruined over just one allegation”. They can do it on camera and have it proven in court after launching a spectacularly foolish lawsuit, and they’ll still bounce back.

replace him with this.

Yeah women really need to step up though

“He’s either the world’s best liar, or he’s telling the truth.”

My husband works for a record label, and I spent a number of years in the music industry. Abuse, harassment and misogyny run rampant in the the recording world.

He’s also a man, but I see you’re committed to comparing apples to oranges, so carry on.

This sounds awesome! Now I’m really curious as to how the app failed. In the book “Taking Charge of Your Fertility”, she advocates complete abstinence during the fertile period, because if a condom breaks or you don’t pull out right, odds are much higher than usual that you’d get pregnant, which contributes to a

It’s amazing to me that people are so ignorant about this. Natural family planning is NOT the rhythm method. All women should read “Taking Charge of Your Fertility”. Most women CAN absolutely use fertility awareness as a reliable method of birth control, if you do it right. It’s more than a calendar, which is what

My girlfriend uses this app to track her cycles. Part of the process includes taking your temperature with a basal thermometer every day when you wake up, which apparently improves the accuracy of the ovulation estimates tremendously. So it’s not just your average period tracker—they put considerably more thought into

Actually that isn’t true. If you know what you’re doing it can be extremely reliable. I’ve tracked my fertility for years as my sole method of birth control. I’ve been pregnant once accidentally and funny enough it was when I improperly used a condom.


We built these restaurants so that our guests could have fun and indulge, but I took that too far in my own behavior.

co-owner Steve Crane warned him: “Don’t even think about messing with the waitresses—they’ve been through hell with Mario.”