
There’s no way to know someone well when you first meet them no matter what approach you take. Even if all you want to do is make friends you need to take a plunge. If you want more complete information you have to go with sites that will require the same of you - things like eHarmony or even OkCupid will have people

I’m so... exhausted.

Ah, the old “go with your gut” vs. “take a risk and bust out of the comfort zone” question. Hell of a toss up.

I had a good experience with Bumble, where women message the guys. The ones I met for dinner (that was my standard first date, at a certain restaurant where I went a lot) seemed happy that I reached out. My mindset was “It’s one date, the food is good there, and it’ll be fun to talk to someone new, unless they’re a

Just coke zero and a library book over here, I’m too much a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, one drink and I turn into a loud, pedantic know it all with no filter. You seem like such a cool person, I would love t join your party!

I’ve got an underripe peach soaking in some rum. I’ll give it another hour or so and see what happens.

Your hair IS amazing! And I would like to join the feeling-good-about-myself party! I don’t have any fun colors in my hair right now, but I’ve been letting it grow out and embracing the waves (it probably just looks like constant bedhead but there ARE some real curls in there, dang it).

Hola my friends! Who’s drinking what? Watermelon juice and tequila over ice for me and the kitties tonight, and I got books at the library, so it’s a gonna be a quiet evening in my little corner of the planet.

I’d recommend just buying a separate, moisturizing SPF rather a moisturizer with added SPF for good sun protection. I really like Neogen’s SPF, it’s moisturizing and a nice base for my makeup, and it’s SPF50. 

Life advice still needed. If interested, please keep reading. If not, have a good weekend.

Shelter Cat Update!


You have done the Lord’s Work, Tracy. Seattle was probably one of my last seasons of truly being in love with the Real World.

The only issue I’ve seen with that - and this is mainly in a political setting - is the angry types who are then convinced their question was rejected because the speaker is afraid to answer the "tough"(read irrelevant or psychotic most of the time) questions.  Now you have an angry loon on your hands. But generally

Mimi will provide competition.  

This cat is not my cat. But this cat wins the grump title. 

I nominate my cat Shelby as the new official Grumpy Cat. Or at least Resting Bitch Face Cat.

The EXvangelical crowd took a huge hit this weekend - hell, the world did - when we lost Rachel Held Evans. I didn’t really expect Jez to cover it but I wanted to mention her because she deserved to be mentioned. And it’s just very sad.

Now playing

It’s almost like the Republicans’ fetishization of industries that no longer exist is a cynical ploy meant to blind their constituents with nostalgia while they keep pulling them dollars ever upwards. These voters they’re targeting shoulda taken the hint back when Bethlehem Steel went under.

Trump celebrating US Steel’s billion dollar investment in a new high tech plant virtually assures that when all is said and done, that plant will function with a mere fraction of the number of employees in older plants. He always misinterprets these things as job-creating, when in fact they’re always about automating