
This x 1,000,000

I do a medium and make so many adjustments that I typically pay $25-$45 per week (that usually includes more expensive items like coffee, too). There are default selections, but orders can be as customized as you like! Probably depends on region but where I live the variety of produce available is good. Overall

I took my husband’s last name. My dad passed away when I was young (like, 9) and his family didn’t really reach out or try to connect with me afterwards. I’m sure there were reasons for that, and I played my part, but also I was 9. So I don’t feel all that connected to them as an adult. My in-laws have welcomed me

Ugh if I hadn’t spent this rare sunny day drinking in the sun...and didn’t have an aggressive workout planned tomorrow morning, I would almost certainly want to be your activities twin.

I made a pizza tonight! Fennel, potatoes, cherry peppers, kale. I put tofu ricotta on my slices (because vegan) and my husband put sausage on his (because not vegan). Everybody won!

Good hair luck! I had a good hair day yesterday and it made everything better, except the fact that I was stuck in an office and my coworkers didn’t notice its uncharacteristic bounce.

I use Imperfect Produce! I recommend it. It’s a great way to eat organic on the cheap and then ALSO feel smug about lessening food waste. There’s a lot of variety by season! And you can sometimes get other staples like olive oil, coffee, etc.

I think maybe you should have some blood work? Even if you dislike doctors it might be worth it.

Steam the leaves and use them as wraps?! I never tire of greens, but by winter end I do find myself outright despising root veggies.

No crafts just YAY WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BEHBEH! Excellent work with the human growing!

In the past year, I started having health problems with my ovaries and thyroid that caused some uncharacteristic exhaustion, depression, and weight gain. Sometimes I feel like the hatred I have been heaping on my body since adolescence in some way contributed to it. It sounds ridiculous, but it does seem sometimes

He talked over Malala? Jeez, if ever there was a better opportunity to just give your subject the platform they deserve :/

It’s an LA hike. LA does not have serious mountains, so the hikes are mostly outdoor strolls on a low slope. “Nature walks” sounds lame compared to hiking, tho :/

I think I’m pretty ugly and my husband looks nothing like me. So, maybe?

You are a saint and I hope you realize that you deserve someone who has their shit together, at least for the most part. (By that, mean that not everyone needs to be educated or rich to be a good partner, IMO—but they do need to pull their weight!)

I’m generalizing wildly here, but overall I think women are socialized to be more considerate and take care of men. So it’s probably easier to date women and therefore find someone new. Not that women don’t have our individual flaws! We just learn to be accommodating and nurturing from a young age.

Not sure the takeaway I was supposed to have about a financially clueless youngen living beyond her means—but I like her yellow dress. I have it bookmarked on RTR for whenever it’s warmer in SF!

10/10 A+ momming! This is exactly what young women need to hear.

On platforms with social engagement capabilities, those metrics are usually what people look at to determine success on ad spend or invest ad dollars. So it’s a function of the revenue his bullshit show brings in.

I like it too, although I saw better with Sunday Riley’s CEO (until t wrecked my skin because it was too potent :(). I feel like DE’s is a good comprnoise between potency and still being usable.