
“Sorry for helping” line was my favorite.

I enjoyed him! He’s very charming!

I think someone in the writers room saw Into the Woods a few too many times and they decided to make him sing in everything regardless. Singing aside, I found Chris Pine to be pretty goofy and winning, honestly one of the better episodes this season.

Chris Pine’s hosting duties on Saturday Night Live this week gave him plenty of opportunities to play to his wheelhouse of “Star Trek Captain” and “Fratty Douche,”

Ugh, Chris Rock is gross and should stop talking about how his ex-wife (and mother of his children) had no money of her own and how his new “girl” has “got dough of her own”. His ex deserves serious compensation for tolerating his insufferable, adulterous ego for 18 years.

My great grandmother was a Presley. I think she was a 2nd or 3rd cousin to Elvis. I helped with some cemetery clean up this week and found out she gave one of her sons her maiden name for a middle name which I thought was cool.

This reminds me when I was like 7 I stood outside advertising a play in my backyard for 50 cents. A mom and her kid paid and came back, however I had forgotten the Key point of having a play to perform. 

I know! The New Yorker has a great interviewer by Jia with a woman who worked with them for four days before nope-ing the fuck out. It is fascinating how poorly this was done.

Sunk cost fallacy in action. You’ve already spent the money and don’t want to admit you were duped so you double down.

Orrrrr... fyre hidrant?

This won’t be a popular opinion, but I have to be honest. Maybe it’s not cognitive dissonance? Maybe they just changed? People can change - thank the gods.

I assume that this is a warning shot to the Kardashians, given the low dollar amount.

Not really. The photographer took the photo the way any other photographer would — he/she held the camera, framed the shot, reacted to the lighting — even if the purpose of the image is lowbrow commercial, it’s still an image that was created by a person who is a photographer.

I’m just thankful I got to FINALLY see Dixie Chicks this past summer.

Moisture is the essence of whiteness, and whiteness is the essence of purity

Right? Because he is popular and anything that is mainstream must be hated. I’ve never been a pop music fan but I will never understand those who hate artists because others find them enjoyable.

When I read comments from ultra conservative type people that are prone to the pearl clutching it just makes me think “You are basically indicating that we should all be afraid of YOU, not the other way around.” Because they 1. believe that men are just lustful beasts that simply can’t enjoy a meal with women they

That’s because women are human beings just like men, and human beings can be awful and depraved. So-called benevolent sexism/paternalism at work in the thinking that women are like children or something and therefore not capable of even the horrible things that men are more frequently thought of doing because their