
Here in Canada Meghan was shilling for a lower-end women’s clothing retail chain called Reitman’s. I just can’t get past her being the Reitman’s pitchwoman.

You are referring to GenZ; iGen is utilized in work environments to refer to an intergenerational workforce.

Women accidentally swears in a sketch, canned that night.

So, SNL co-head writer has pattern of harrassing and intimidating women online = Fine.

Yea it’s weird - he was really just ... not special. He had no charisma. He friended EVERYONE on Facebook and was always blasting out his open mics and putting lame jokes in his status. Of all the guys I remember from those days, he definitely wouldn’t have been someone I would have expected to make it.

I knew Michael Che back in 2008 / 2009. He was a fledgling comedian in NYC and attended many of the same open mics I was attending. His sets were unmemorable with lazy jokes about girls and race, but he was quite popular with the mostly dude regulars and I guess well connected. I left NYC in 2010 and moved to LA. When

Amber Ruffin was on Drunk History and she was delightful.

They don’t even need Jane to write her poorly-thought-out responses. Just print the three letters and let all of us fight it out in the comments.

i was dutch in the us and somehow ended up with the nickname the norweege....

I found out my ex was cheating when I was 8 months pregnant. I locked down emotionally and decided I could stick it out for two years, instead of taking my toddler and soon-to-be-newborn and trying to manage on my own. I was a SAHM so I frankly needed that financial security.

It’s just semantics, though, it’s not actually an enforceable policy. I was in some triangles/squares when I was a kid that did sometimes get toxic with hierarchies and who’s-on-the-outs-now stuff, and before that I had a kindergarten BFF who ruled my life entirely; yeah I was a pushover, but she determined who I

As I read this post I realized that though I watched this show every week I can’t remember a thing about it beyond the existence of Ally’s skirt issues,  that I thought Lucy and Jane were going to be big stars someday and Portia had great hair. Make of that what you will.

I can’t wait for Avril to drop her album about Canada Post. It’s gonna be so snarky and socialist.

Dear MVP,

Has MVP’s boyfriend met a specific person he wants to sleep with hence he’s come up with this? I would probably think so...

Norton’s just one of those personalities who’s great with people and it never seems forced. On most US Talk Shows you’re always thinking “they’re here for promotion purposes yadayada” which is made more noticeable in how they come out one at a time while he just gets everyone on and they just chat so casually you

I love Love LOVE Graham Norton! He’s so good at putting everyone at ease, moving conversations along, and getting a couch of usually random people who have never met before to talk to each other. The booze probably doesn’t hurt either

They’re the greatest boobs around!!

I hate to admit it, but even “Boobs In California” is damn catchy!

Wow. Horrifying.