
They’re supposed to be awake for the 4 month approach to the planet. I couldn’t help but think how Chris Pratt and JLaw maybe ate all of the food? Or like, did they have kids? Or, who died first and then how long did the other have to be alive with the dead body?

If someone came at my labia (majora or minora) with a glue gun, I’d kick him in the nuts.

Japanese teen girls are always trendsetting, we just follow.

Yes, they’re pretty insane, but fresh products make the. best. gifts. So worth it when you can.

Yes, they’re pretty insane, but fresh products make the. best. gifts. So worth it when you can.

There is no way I’m Googling “fingermouthing” at work.

Yep, my 16 year old sister confirmed that this is because they are hyper aware of their online presence and want to be in control of it. It’s also a signal to your friends not to tag you either, which I get but...why are you posing for a picture in the first place? Why not just decline the photographer or turn your

What does “the sound of someone listening in” sound like and how would that only be audible to the 911 operator?

I don’t know if I’m just dense/not cool enough to “get it”, but can someone explain to me why this meme/girl is funny? Like I know at thirty I’m not that old, but some of these viral phenomena (like this, Damn Daniel, etc)....I just don’t understand? Am I missing something?

Dr. Oz gives him a run for his money, though. Not to mention Eckart Tolle or the lady who wrote The Secret, who had less staying power but were somehow even dumber. There are a lot of things to admire about Oprah, but her love of facile pseudo science is not one of them

Due to a sad childhood addiction I own somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 porcelain dolls. I have never removed any of their underwear. That is all.

Jamie Lynn Spear’s ordeal is my WORST nightmare as a parent. The “watching your child in mortal peril but not being able to fix it” variety. I know we’re so quick to say “but she shouldn’t have allowed...” but honestly at the end of the day, peoplec said that shit about the poor parents who watched an alligator snatch

I still think he wants to fuck Rosie and that drives him fucking insane.

The tip off here is the proper capitalization of the C in McCarthy’s last name. No way the real Trump would have gotten that right.

I just tweeted the same pic. That face killed me, because it is all of us.

I love Bobby Moynihan.

Alec Baldwin + Melissa McCarthy + Kate McKinnon = BRING IT!

This was the most inspired move by SNL in a long time. You just know its going to get under EVERYONE’S skin in the Trump Admin. Everyone knows Trump watches SNL like a hawk, here’s hoping next week’s Alec Baldwin ep is 100% Trump jokes. They fucking owe it to us after giving Dear Leader a whole show to himself.

Fun fact: the people who will be pissed off by this skit also think the girl Ghostbusters ruined their childhood. 

This was pitch perfect. I’m pretty sure the real Spicer would love a podium he could pick up and beat people with.

She was so great; no mistakes, flubbed lines or delays, and total commitment to the character.

A+ wig game.