
Watch that tire pressure. If it’s off by .5 those types of things can happen.

I used the app. Iran, Iran so far away, but I ended up between Iraq and a hard place.

Calm down there, Satan.

I have often though about buying many smashed, clean-title cars for pennies, selling them as scrap piece by piece, pawning their titles at a title store, and then disappearing into the night with millions of dollars to start my own car company. Maybe I’ll call it Elio. Or SuperReplicas.

From 30HP

To put this in my perspective, the entire requested 2016 budget of the National Institutes of Health, which funds the lion’s share of biomedical research in the U.S., keeps many thousands of researchers like me employed, and enables virtually all of the ground-breaking research in this country that will save uncounted

*Porsche RSRs can do that. Fixed it for ya

The whole reason Honda as a company exists is because of “stupid kid bikes like that”. The NSX is a footnote in the history of the company.

Judging by your name, I bet that’s a story you can’t wait to share to every car person you can talk to.

I take option #2 and I’ll have Chris Harris’ 2cv. The moped engine gives me a 25% increase in horsepower.

Not on a bike, not on a trike

It’s certainly amazing that he was able to reach such speeds towing those gigantic testicles.

If you get out of your race car on an active race track an walk INTO THE PATH of another race car with the intentions of starting a fight with the driver and you get hurt, it is YOUR fault and YOUR fault alone. YOU have no idea what stewart saw because you aren’t him. YOU have no idea how difficult a car like that can

My condolences to the family but if you are stupid enough to try and start a fight with a race car then that’s your ass

After they got about 30ft away the dental floss connecting their cups broke and communication was lost. They’re all just chillin submerged 30ft from dock trying to send carrier pigeons but they keep drowning. Fuckin pigeons.

Motorcycle stero. You are already loud enough revving your Harley at 6000 RPM when at the traffic light, you don’t need speakers blasting the fucking Eagles cranked to 11.

this is bullshit. a helmet does two things:

Found the idiot!
