The third pass was faster because the driver emptied his bowels while getting sideways at damn near 190 mph on the second pass. The reduced weight was to his advantage, obviously.
The third pass was faster because the driver emptied his bowels while getting sideways at damn near 190 mph on the second pass. The reduced weight was to his advantage, obviously.
How many stickers do I have to add to make that kind of hp on my Civic?
You don’t repair cars like this, you leave them in the desert
Italian... Electronics... Yeah, that’s totally going to work out.
Dang. Even after a full frontal the Tesla has better door gaps than an Alfa.
Sooo, because they are driving dangerously you decide to cause an accident? Nice move.’re kinda a jerk...(actually, remove the kinda...).
Then there’s an attitude shutoff feature
If you’re in too much of a hurry to boil water, throwing a large brick and your windshield will usually knock off most of the ice.
That is a fast way to make it crack.
You cannot identify a car because someone replaced the badging on it? That’s equivalent to saying I couldn’t recognize my mom because she wore new earrings.
I hope this doesnt mean hes not sending my money.
Yet no brakes could stop the powerful Prius when its gas pedal stuck.
Joe Biden is also a complete moron.
If it’s anything like the CLR, I expect journalists to flip out.
Harley doesn’t release engine numbers. Mostly because they’re so anemic compared to the competition.
$150k for a sub 500 horse 6 cylinder? Go f*** a goat BMW.