
“Do not try this at home” should have been followed by a “keep your hands on the wheel at all times while driving” warning as well. I’ve got no respect for stupidity, especially when it overshadows greatness.

What is the significance of the sailors standing at the edge of the ship when it comes into port? Is there some sort of historical precedence for it?

Frustrates me how “sure” that the arresting officer was that he caught the “right guy”

I like how he signaled before going into the shoulder to make an illegal pass.

The Porsche 956/962

Taken as a whole? Has to be the Porsche 911 in all its incarnations. Think how long the 911 name has been around, and how many have been raced - and raced successfully - over that span.

Porsche 917.

Where have I seen this before....

That's not what I meant when I said "nuke the pizza"

Hey Mark,

In addition to my other submission, I would say the Porsche Carrera GT. While competitors were moving towards automated transmissions and advanced traction and stability systems, the CGT stuck to the basics: race-derived engine, manual transmission, and a driving experience that rewarded good drivers and punished

Shits given? ABSOLUTE ZERO.

If your friends or significant other listens to music that bad, dump them.

Historically, the Italians have been known to fix problems such as that through the time honoured tradition of bribery.

What a fucking douchebag.

At least let the body cool off before making a joke. Way too soon.