There's nothing like riding a MAX light rail and having several bicycles run over your foot or a "radical" bicyclist hold up his bike and accidentally scrape your face.
There's nothing like riding a MAX light rail and having several bicycles run over your foot or a "radical" bicyclist hold up his bike and accidentally scrape your face.
There's a difference between homemade sex tapes and "amateur porn." The latter is a professional production that attempts to make videos that resemble homemade sex tapes (usually involving women who appear to be Plain Janes who are straight from the street). They're usually made by a one-man crew.
Ah yes, Sullivan used to be based in my town of Sacramento where he aspired really, really hard to be the next Limbaugh and Hannity. I saw him speak at a pro-Iraq war rally at the California State Capitol back in '03 where he bitched and moaned about the media calling his ilk "pro-war" (despite they were, uh, PRO-Iraq…
Ah the late 90's, the golden age of "ESPN Punk" as my cranky, elitist, "I won't listen to hardcore released after 1985!" self called it.
As long as this lil bastard is not around, I welcome Zombie Cat into the animal kingdom.
They better be damned good at ad-libbing like Murray:
No one thought that Woody Allen is making out with a 17-year old in "Manhattan" and, said, I guess he's a real perv," Dunham said.
There are quite a few porn consumers who don't want anything to do with "tainted" white women who performed scenes with black men. A lot of nasty comments get posted by viewers on major porn sites like PornHub in response to interracial videos.
The Simpsons had the Hot Blooded Dance a few years back:
For some strange reason, Troy McClure's voice pops up in my head whenever I read Christian's quotes, especially during the tampon scene.
I recall that a popular slogan at the CW department (it was proudly displayed in their hallway display) went something like: "A writer should look at a sentence like a fetishist looks at stiletto heels." They were basically promoting creative writing as a form of masturbation.
Indeed, I worked on the Transfer magazine at SFSU and we were assigned to review submissions for Fourteen Hills - most of us determined that the writers had never read or written a bloody poem before.
That bloke always got the best exclusive interviews.
One 1991 experiment by bored teenagers in my childhood neighborhood: See if Ruxpin would sing if you jammed Anthrax tapes into his deck. They did this before they discovered pot and gangsta rap.
Indeed, there's a huge wealth of awesome 70's funk that had nothing to do with disco, and didn't wanna.
Disco music is great. Rock stinks, and it's outdated because you don't dance to it and you have to get high to listen to it.
The headline briefly fooled me into believing that Ripps literally defecated on Ho's photographs. God bless performance art's impact on imaginations.
Wonderbread bags can also be high art: