
EP CDs usually went for $8-10 back in the 90's, unless it was a Japanese or European import. 

I use hefeweizen in fresh cranberry sauce every Thanksgiving. It adds a great tart. 

Petrale sole can work. I hear ya, skate wing is sold once in a blue moon at Asian supermarkets here in the Sacramento region. The Les Halles cookbook also calls for monkfish in a few recipes, which is another rare fish in California. 

I still get a kick out of the anti-food porn photos in that book. 

Tell me about it, there’s nothing worse than a Vanilla Extract Drunk. 

I believe that it’s also a spoof of “Searching for Sugar Man.” 

When I read the Playboy interview, I thought, “Hmm, that’s a bold statement from the same person who composed the score for ‘Salo.’” 

Belushi was a notorious misogynist who insisted that women are never funny - I wonder why many female cast members didn’t warm up to him. 

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But will this movie have a catchy Ramones song?

Is it his “Thundercats” theme song?

Historically, Moore’s film and rep does best whenever there’s a Republican presidency. 

His Obama-era films, “Capitalism: A Love Story” and “Where to Invade Next” were also box-office bombs. 

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What frustrates me about Moore is that he won’t admit that he fed the cynicism that led to Clinton’s defeat. He declared that Obama’s lone accomplishment was getting elected as America’s first black president (see the video). Keep in mind that Clinton ran on the promise that she would extend the Obama Administration’s

I usually stick to California olive oils. since most Italian import oils are false. 

That important detail was missing from this article. A good cook never uses EVOO for high-temp cooking. Unfortunately, the vast majority of olive oils sold at supermarkets are EVOO, which can cause people to use the wrong oil. 

Can one of our fellow “globalists” get this guy a globe? New Zealand is NOT in the middle of the Pacific.

The rub with the “film revival” is that movies shot on film tend to look severely compromised on digital projectors. Unfortunately, more and more theaters are using such projectors. I saw PTA’s “Phantom Thread” at my local multiplex and where there were scenes that were so grainy that it appeared the movie was

Digital video has significantly improved in the past 15 years - I recall when many were irritated by the murky, gray-shaded camerawork of “24 Days Later.” 

A lot of libertarians are basically anarchists with money. 

So I can emotionally tell you things that happened racially, sexually, and that showed stupidity and lack of compassion when I was in the room with Donald Trump and I guarantee you that I will get details wrong…