
Bungee jumping? Zip lining? ATVs? Holy 90's Extreme Sports, Batman.

"Whoa, check it out you can hear Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell talk about getting stoned when they made Evil Dead if you push this audio button"

Gah, the middle photo reminds me of the Sour Pout Face that was so popular among 80's hipsters.

Wow, what a waste of time and money. Aw shit, I need more donuts. Where's my credit card?

I'm all for Team USA but I'm definitely not going to boycott this Belgian bad boy:

Kidding aside, it looks like a great movie.

"It implies that a person is still stuck in their collegiate socialization pattern, dressing pretty much exactly like their friends, and they hesitate to deviate from what's comfortable yet despite fact that they can probably afford it."

"The toppings are full of potassium benzoate!"

"I'm confident Filipino food will be the next one."

" Every time I've had Pho, I've walked away wondering why my actual meal never got to the table. To paraphrase John Pinette, Pho is not food."

I suspect this is simply El DudeBro telling food critics to kiss his Santa Rosan ass.

It looks like you bought rock salt instead of the needed kosher salt, which is finer, coarser and is a cook's best friend.

Weak diss. Try again.

"...particularly baseball, where games provide a whopping 18 minutes of action over the span of 3 hours)."

Indeed, the Wall Street Journal estimated that players spend roughly 90 percent of the time standing around and waiting for something to happen.

The rant of someone who is desperate for a talk show booking, and cash.

Shhh, don't tell Anne that most of the fucking world understands the metric system.

No kidding, one minute in game time equals to about 40 minutes in real times (plus five commercial breaks) during the NBA finals.

EDIT: Come to think of it, he'd be in mortal danger.

Another nonsensical line: