
It's been awhile since I read her columns (12 years to be exact), and I see that her writing quality is still akin to a high school newspaper columnist who rants about why she hates, hates, hates freshmen.


This will take awhile. How many examples do you want? 50? 100?

Nonsense, there are so many great punk and post-punk bands that didn't have political "messages."

They sound like so many uninspired new wave bands to arise out of Southern California during the early 80's.

What is it about niceness that deeply offends so many Americans?

German neo-Nazis trying to adopt music that's popular with the youngsters is nothing new. They got involved in Germany's rave scene about 25 years ago. Anti-Nazi groups like Atari Teenage Riot were formed in reaction. Now I want to listen to my ATR records. Yep, I'm that old.

Indeed, it's a cliche that needs to go. WF isn't exactly a place to do bulk grocery shopping but many of their prices are no different than any gourmet grocery store. In fact, there are quite a few mom 'n pop places here in Sacramento that are more expensive than WF.

There's nothing more fun than dealing with lousy drivers whose cars are adorned with "Co-exist" or "If You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Attention!" bumper stickers.

If only their hot bar foods weren't as bland as an elementary school cafeteria dish.

That brings up new questions about water rationing and crowd control. Two at a time, plus the amount of time it takes to undress and redress, will likely cause friction.

"The buses will allow for two people to shower at a time, in 10-minute sessions."

Ugh, this reminds me of my new nephew-in-law who convinced my niece to distrust all children's vaccines. He can be a smart, sharp guy but he believes there is always a grand conspiracy in every shadow.

Don't forget the excessive F-bombs since fucking acting like you're motherfucking pissed the fuck off is hil-fuckin-larious.

No kidding, Weaver is a natural. West often tries too hard to be "sassy."

If you really wanna "ruin" the Lion King experience, check out the allegation that Disney plagiarized the 60's Japanese cartoon, "Kimba the White Lion."

Uh, good for you and your self-esteem. Here's a cookie.

Haven't you heard of Reverse Vampires who must get inside before dark?

I was going to say, "kraut" is a veeery old-fashioned slur that was mainly used during the world wars. When Oldman mentioned it, I thought, "What year is this? 1947?"

Over the years I've found that true "political correctness" is about disingenuously tweaking your personal opinions in order to fit one's political party platform. I've had many co-workers and relatives vote for candidates they didn't care for BUT they supported them just for being Republicans.