
You do know there are Satanic messages hidden in that song if you play it backward, right?

Now playing

What? No love for the Drew Carey Show's allegation that "Cleveland Rocks"?

Not to mention that Iran has some of the world's most beautiful countrysides.

I've lost track of the Mario Kart series. Is this the game with the Blue Shell of Evil?

It's time for green hummingbird water:

Damn you, Roger Klotz!

So I guess you have to spend at least 10,000 hours eating burritos in order to qualify as a burrito expert?

Aw c'mon, leave that cat alone. The beast is in deep sleep rather than Chuck Norris Ready to Kickass Mode.

Gotta love Tara's "Yeah, yeah, I know" expression after the kid says, "She's a hero!"

I hear ya, I fancied myself to be an "intellectual" after reading a few political books and browsing copies of The Nation, Atlantic Monthly, and National Review in my high school's library.

"Her social media presence—especially on Instagram and Tumblr—very deliberately implies that we're not looking at some Hollywood contrivance, but peeking into her real, non-professional, sun-dappled, golden life. And that life is fucking perfect."

It is moments like this that I'm glad I left the music journalism world.

Ahem, "perception is reality" as the cliche goes.

Now playing

Well, Lagarde would have been a much more exciting speaker than the guest speaker of my graduation at San Francisco State: Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul, and Mary. He played his latest chart topper , "Don't Laugh at Me, Don't Call Me Names." And what did so many of the worn-out and freezing cold grads at the commuter

I always think of a lame John Goodman movie whenever I see Spotted Dick:

Damn straight:

Selma (seen through Duff Beer Goggles): You're charming the pants off of me!

Many cats believe they own their caretakers, which explains why they love to rub off their scents on people's legs.

Welcome to Bakersfield. Listen to a few Korn songs to get a taste of that town.

Ditto, the Fish Out of Water premise can quickly grow stale in a sitcom. Good point with My Big Fat Greek Life, which hit rock bottom when they resorted to bringing Yanni on the show.