
There was "All-American Girl," which aired 20 years ago and quickly became a punching bag for critics.

The old boy still knows how to party.

I was going to say, it's quite rare to see television actors and actresses perform a scene in one camera shot that's over five minutes.

Whenever you hear Mozart at your local coffee shop or bookstore just remember that much of his lyrics seem to be taken right out of South Park. For instance, in "Bona Nox":

Shit in your bed and make it burst/Good night, sleep tight/And stick your ass to your mouth

Quartz has a funny piece by former Voice critic Jeff Yang who was blamed for "killing" All American Girl, only to ironically have his kid star in Far East Orlando 20 years later.

I see that Jezebel's Debbie Downer Contractual Obligation is still being honored.

Nice, they do a lot of cool experiments with hops. Not too fond about the shoulder-to-shoulder crowding though.

"Ish?" I'm thinking either Final Gravity, Boneshaker, or Samuel Horne's.

Interesting, the production of "The Island of Dr. Moreau" was an epic trainwreck.

"I say this as someone who attended prom with a friend and played the Street Fighter arcade box they had set up in back the whole time."

This draft reminds me of those charity fundraisers where a date with a handsome man or a beautiful woman is auctioned off to the highest bidder. But the destination of the prom draft's proceeds is currently unknown.

"So local, so bourgeois — and nothing says, "I have $10K burning a hole in my wallet" like importing a food just so you can ruin it."

I ate Chicken Charlie's DF White Castle at the California State Fair a few years ago, and it's actually not bad. It's akin to a Piroshki. There was one year when the fair had a freak

A lesson I learned from Mark Twain: Never laugh at your jokes. You'll force your audience to accept it as funny.

I know that I've heard one sing:

I just got a Dirty-era Sonic Youth flashback.

Sounds like a great phrase in a soap opera, or a porn flick.

It's one of the better exploitation flicks that I've seen in the past few years. The catch is that Korine over-indulges in repetitive imagery and soundbites to make his Grand Artistic Statement.

"We can't afford to shop anywhere that has a 'philosophy.'" (Marge Simpson)

Stella? There's a reason why it's called Belgian Bud.