
Well, "Do as I say, not as I do," is a cherished American proverb.

"My adrenaline went bonkers. Was someone being a dick to me? In person? At 7 am? In an enclosed space? For no reason? When I have a hangover?"

I could never understand why many whippersnappers insist on getting drunk the night before an early morning flight. Is it supposed to be for good luck?

You nailed it. Lindy's piece could have kicked off with a stronger example, but hey, it's showbiz.

The sad part is that many of Larry's fans can't separate him from his act.

Indeed, Larry is a Nebraskan who got rich and famous from parodying his Southern college roommates.

It says something about a person who claims to champion the downtrodded, and then has no qualms about trashing a large group of impoverished people with little to no access to education or healthcare.

Indeed, many overlook that the Robertson boys are country club preppies in swamp dawg drag. It's the Red State equivalent of trustfundfarians.

Now playing

What? No love for the McDonald's Arch Deluxe or the burger for "grown-ups" only?

It's interesting how inflation in the U.S. economy has been quite slow for the past 17 years.

It also helps to be born with Asian genes. Hopefully my Chinese-Filipino genes will overcome my Irish genes when I turn 50.

Indeed, Chappelle and South Park turned Kelly into a cartoon character to laugh about and say, "Ah, that's our R. Kelly!"

I'm still mystified that the Winter Olympics were approved for a spot that's sandwiched between old civil war zones.

They bring her back whenever the moon is full and bright red, as foretold in the Book of Revelations.

She was fired? I thought that Salon brings her back whenever they need extra pageviews to please advertisers.

The voice of a provocateur.

Don't do that, she'll end up writing a 5,000-essay for Salon and will include at least 10 references to Madonna or Lady Gaga.

A better accomplishment: she didn't brag about how Madonna wasn't cool enough to talk to her at a party.

Isn't this the same scholar who wrote: "Male urination really is a kind of accomplishment, an arc of transcendence. A woman merely waters the ground she stands on."

"Do as I say, not as I do," is one of the oldest political virtues.

Yep, I fixed it. Kinja didn't like my first pic.