You'd think there would be Spam slices instead of Canadian bacon on Hawaiian pizza.
You'd think there would be Spam slices instead of Canadian bacon on Hawaiian pizza.
Why not just call that person a "bigot?" It cuts to the chase.
Indeed, the worst part is that so many, ahem, Enlightened Whites use that theory and believe that ONLY they can eliminate American racism.
Ever notice how so "bigot" seems to be rarely used these days?
"...if you look at the theory/meaning behind the word racism, but that's pretty much a syntactical argument, not a practical one."
I've heard or read that apologist defense too many times from bigots, speaking as someone who grew up with Filipinos who have said all sorts of bigoted remarks about non-Filipinos, gays, women, etc.
So they're charging $1.60 to $3.28 for admission? The currency converter is your friend, hipsters.
Um, Google Image your inquiry.
I often get a kick out of how Playboy promotes the boozing & banging lifestyle, despite that the former often cancels out the latter.
Well, Vice keeps its bar very, very low.
It's supposed to be a recollection of an incident from her first semester, freshman year.
It can be either MFF or MMF.
Indeed, it's a string of bullet points that have no flow from one to another.
"I don’t know how he couldn’t get a boner. I distinctly recall him refraining from chugging vodka so he could get it up."
If I remember correctly, the UCB Republicans held their bake sale looong after Affirmative Action ended.
I dig the subtle noise of long fingernails impatiently tapping the counter.
"I won't touch a Neapolitan unless it's cooked at a VPN-certified pizzeria."
No, there is something about him that screams, "punk rock."