
I like the frontier interior space and seating moreso than the Taco and Colorado. I’m not sure how it compares to the Ranger though. 

Nope. This is a terrible take. Social pressure like that works in small groups that live days, weeks, months, and years together. It doesn’t work well with people from disparate backgrounds who’ll never see each other again. 

I was somewhat with you until you made this comment. Unruly passengers should be prosecuted criminally. The airlines can’t police everyone else that comes on the plane prior to liftoff.m. That’s just impossible.  

I’m struggling to determine if this is pure antagonistic conflation, or dog whistling, or what. Whatever it is, your statement is worthless and useless.

Pray tell. You have me on the edge of my seat! Well, I’m actually laying on my couch, but I still want to know!

My old CB350f held its own on the highway with two saddlebags and a girlfriend on the back with only 34HP from the factory. Perfect for camping up and down highway 1 in CA including numerous trips on interstates around here. I never felt like it wasn’t safe or capable.

Writing “top ten” slideshows for Jalopnik!

You didn’t “Kinja”. Kinja “Kinja’d” you!

Like all good Jalops, this is when I’ll start looking for a van life van. Never current with the model year, and usually without a warranty, but damn do I love getting a good deal!

I’m enjoying this series. It’s well researched and detailed in thought. I don’t know if I buy into everything Jamie concludes, but it’s good to read his points of view on the industry. Keep them coming!!!   

Good gawd you’re a boor. 

Is that the rear of a Porsche 944?

I’d venture to guess “a lot”! Someone I knew in college had one.

Nah, I really don’t think so. There’s not enough temperature differential to cause a major dimensional change, and any sealing material they use should take up the 1 or 2 mils of dimensional variation that might occur.

$5 says the driver lost control after taking a pic of the road sign. Exit 69 for Big Beaver Road is right up there with “Bong State Recreation Park”!

Anybody register to bid yet?

Thank God! I’ve been waiting for this ADV conversion car craze to end. Now we can move on to civil infrastructure ADV conversions. I want to see a bridge powered by a scooter engine!

LOL! Thanks for the first laugh of my morning

That’s a great platform to work with, although doesn’t it start to smell a lot like “human” in there after multiple nights of camping?

They’d have driven them elsewhere, but that LA traffic...