
Taylor Swift wrote a song for the soundtrack, but I don't think her involvement goes beyond that.

As a tubby, ugly Odd Future hater, I resent your stereotyping.

Things have been rough ever since O'Neal trademarked the phrase "cautiously optimistic."

It's disappointing that Detox, which seems to have completely lost even Dr. Dre's interest, was included on the list instead of the Avalanches' second album (which might not get released either, but at least we're not all sick of hearing about it yet).  You guys must be crazy in the coconut.

@avclub-1e850f6bef0bc36ca1f64e95ff1cbd2e:disqus , a flying car?  That's preposterous!  Now a car that can turn invisible, well, that's just science.

There was a recent Daniel Craig interview in which he admitted Quantum of Solace sucked because it was filmed during the writers strike, and so Craig and Mark Forster ended up writing most of the script themselves.

"If Danny Glover chose to be in this, it's bound to be good."
           - A guy who has not looked at Danny Glover's filmography since 2001.

And "debut" should be pronounced DEE-butt.

Yes, due to Claire's voting, RuPaul's Drag Race and The Office were named the #1 and #2 best TV shows of 2011.  At least I'm pretty sure that's what happened, I can't be bothered to go back and check.

Unless…oh shit, does anyone know where Hercules is?

Criterion's been putting out one Chaplin film per year lately; I would not be shocked if City Lights were announced a few months from now.

James Taylor's album Flag infuriates me. There's at least one copy in every used record store on the planet, and based on the cover I always think it's some New Wave band until I get closer and realize it's James fucking Taylor.

It's also like that Star Trek episode where people on the Enterprise keep disappearing: it starts out with a crowded, sprawling city and slowly shrinks down to McNulty sitting on a stoop.

To save time, I make the same resolutions every year — read more, catch up on the TV shows that I'm a couple of seasons behind on (this will be the year that I watch Mad Men and Breaking Bad as they air!) and put a dent in my gargantuan Netflix queue.  Plus, you know, exercise more, eat better, and generally get my

They warned us this would happen once Don't Ask, Don't Tell was repealed.

Too Many Goddamn Kids

Rachael vs. Guy

She's alright, but she's no Andrew W. K.

I downloaded an audio version of one of his books because it was free on iTunes.  I should have asked for my money back.