
Yeah, that thread really ticked me off.

I've got List-making Hysteria, or as my doctor calls it, Listeria.

Future Phil Nugent jokes:

Hey, it's an ugly stereotype that all Jews want to see tasteful Oscar-bait on Christmas.  Jewish teenagers have awful taste just like any other teenagers.

Damnit, they fired O'Neal again?!  It's Christmas, you heartless Scrooges!

But maybe your REAL parents, in addition to being European royalty and superheroes, are also TV critics who will show up at your door one day to rescue you from this humdrum life.

FLAGGED for enthusiasm.

That's a terrible price…once you factor in all of the suckers, you're paying well over $1000.

My Funny Games universal remote control has come in pretty handy.


I always anticipate shit in a box.  In this way, I manage be pleasantly surprised at the contents of 75% of the boxes I open.

There's probably a warehouse full of FX-branded rubber suits in a warehouse somewhere that were all set to ship for Season 2, until Ryan Murphy called them up and said, "Yeah, about that next season…"

A girl who doesn't watch Star Trek?  Well, now I've heard everything.

The KISS home pregnancy test may cause birth defects.

There are, a lot of commas in, that first sentence and, it's, difficult to make sense of, it.

Coming this October: St. Crispin's Day.

Between this and Shame, it sounds like a good weekend for films that probably weren't intended to turn me on, but will anyway.


It would be pretty ballsy if The Simpsons eventually did an episode which was a 22-minute couch gag.  Given how long and elaborate the couch gags have become in recent years, it might not be much of a stretch.

I laughed so hard at this video that I nearly choked on a WOW chip and spat Surge all over my keyboard.